LBL ESD Board of Directors
Board Zone Map
Board Meeting Documents
Recordings of Board meetings are maintained for one year after the minutes of the meeting were approved. A copy may be obtained by completing a Public Records Request, Policy KBA-AR. Additional information can be found in Policy KBA.
Board Calendar
Board meetings are usually on the third Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. (times subject to change).
Public Meeting Participation
The ESD Board is interested in hearing from the public. To submit a public comment, please review policy BDDH (Public Participation in Board Meetings) and BDDH-AR (Public Comment at Board Meetings). Comments may be made either in person or electronically. Public comment requires your name and address per policy and for public record; public comment should be brief and concise. Please limit your comment to a maximum of 3 minutes. The Board will not hear comments regarding any individual ESD staff member. Complaints involving a staff member must follow procedures outlined in policy KL Public Complaints and KL-AR Public Complaint Procedure. The Board Chair may use discretion to establish a time limit if the number of comments exceeds the time allowed.
To provide public comment in person, if the opportunity is available on the Board agenda, please complete and submit the Intent to Speak card to the Board secretary prior to the meeting. Cards are located at the entrance of the meeting room.
To provide public comment electronically, if the opportunity is available on the Board agenda, please notify the Board secretary by submitting the electronic Intent to Speak form at least one hour prior to the meeting. The electronic form is included in the board meeting announcement posts.
To provide a prerecorded video comment that is original content, related to LBL ESD business and presented by the person submitting the comment, please submit the electronic Intent to Speak form in the board meeting announcement posts and attach a video file. Video files must be received by the Board secretary by 12:00 PM (Noon) the day of the Board meeting. Files must be in a format that does not require modification to play (*.avi, *.mov, *.mp4, *.mpg, *.wmv). Only the first three minutes of the video will be played.

Online Stream
You can find our virtual board meetings streaming live on YouTube during their designated times: