(*) Indicates the policy may be subject to collective bargaining.
(**) Identifies a reference to the term parent within the policy and directs the reader to the policy sections table of content for the definition.

Section A/B – Board Governance and Operation
Discrimination Complaint Procedure **AC-AR
Americans with Disabilities ActACA
ADA Grievance ProcedureACA-AR
Every Student BelongsACB
Bias Incident Complaint ProcedureACB-AR
Board Legal StatusBB
Board Powers and DutiesBBA
Board ElectionsBBB
Board Member Oath of OfficeBBBB
Board Member ResignationBBC
Board Member Removal from OfficeBBD
Vacancies on the BoardBBE
Board Member Standards of Conduct and Working AgreementsBBF
Board Member Ethics and Conflicts of InterestBBFA
Board Member Ethics and NepotismBBFB
Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a ChildBBFC
Board OfficersBCB
Board-Superintendent RelationshipBCD
Board CommitteesBCE
Advisory Committees to the BoardBCF
Non-Voting Advisory Members to the BoardBCFA
Board Legal CounselBCG
Board MeetingsBD / BDA
Board Meeting ProceduresBDD
Conduct of Board MeetingsBDDF
Public Comment at Board MeetingsBDDH
Public Comment at Board MeetingsBDDH-AR
Policy DevelopmentBF
Adoption and Revision of PoliciesBFC
Administrative RegulationsBFCA
Board Policy ImplementationBFD
Administration in the Absence of PolicyBFE
Board Policy ReviewBFG
Board-Staff CommunicationsBG
Orientation of New Board MembersBH / BHA
Board Member Compensation and Expense ReimbursementBHD
Evaluation of Board Operational ProceduresBK
Section C – General Administration
Qualifications and Duties of the SuperintendentCBA
Recruitment and Appointment of the SuperintendentCBB
Administrative OrganizationCC
Line and Staff RelationsCCB
Evaluation of AdministratorsCCG
Approval of Handbooks and DirectivesCHCA
Layoff and Recall for AdministratorsCPA
Layoff and Recall for AdministratorsCPA-AR
Section D – Fiscal Management
District BudgetDB
Fund Balance and GASB 54 PolicyDBDB
Budget CommitteeDBEA
Budget Adoption ProceduresDBH
Funding Proposals and ApplicationsDD
Local Service PlanDDA
Investment of FundsDFA
Providing Space, Other Facilities and ServicesDFD
Authorized SignaturesDGA / DGB
Loss CoverageDH
Fiscal Accounting and ReportingDI
Insurance ProtectionDIBA
Property InventoriesDID
District PurchasingDJ
Petty Cash AccountsDJB
Bidding RequirementsDJC
Exemptions from Competitive Bidding and Special ProcurementsDJC-AR
Credit CardsDJFA
Business Expense (Bank Card) ClaimDJFA-AR
Salary DeductionsDLB
Advance Salary PaymentsDLBA
Workers’ Compensation InsuranceDLBB
Allowable Expense and/or ReimbursementsDLC
Allowable Expense and/or ReimbursementsDLC-AR
Disposal of ESD PropertyDN
Section E – Support Services
Support Services GoalsEA / EAA
Safety ProgramEB
Safety CommitteeEBAC
Safety CommitteeEBAC-AR
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)EBAD
Integrated Pest ManagementEBB
Student Health Services **EBBA
Infection Control and Bloodborne PathogensEBBAA
Infection and Disease Control ProceduresEBBAA-AR
Injury or Illness ReportsEBBB
Emergency Procedures Plan and First Aid **EBC
Safety Threats **EBCA
Emergency Procedure Drills and InstructionEBCB
Management of Buildings and GroundsEC
Vandalism / Malicious Mischief / Theft **ECAB
Video SurveillanceECAC
Traffic and Parking ControlsECD
Authorized Use of ESD Equipment and MaterialsEDC / KGF
Authorized use of ESD Equipment and MaterialsEDC / KGF-AR
Student Transportation ServicesEEA
Student Transportation in Private VehiclesEEAE
Student Transportation in Private Vehicles – Approval Procedures for ESD Staff Who Transport StudentsEEAE-AR
ESD Vehicles / Seat Belts / Child Safety SystemEEBAA
Use of Private Vehicles for District BusinessEEBB
Proof of Vehicle Liability InsuranceEEBB-AR
Reproduction of All Copyrighted MaterialsEGAAA
Section F – Facilities Development
Facilities Development GoalsFA
Energy – Conserving ConstructionFECBA
Section G – Personnel
Job DescriptionsGAB
Equal Employment OpportunityGBA
Staff EthicsGBC
Staff EthicsGBC-AR
Staff Dress and GroomingGBCA
Alcohol / Controlled Substance UseGBCBA
Mother Friendly WorkplaceGBDA
Workplace Harassment *GBEA
Workplace Harassment Reporting and ProcedureGBEA-AR
Communicable Diseases in SchoolsGBEB
Communicable Diseases in SchoolsGBEB-AR
Drug-Free WorkplaceGBEC
Drug-Free Workplace ProceduresGBEC-AR
Gifts and Solicitations **GBI
Weapons in Schools – Staff *GBJ
Prohibited Use, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery SystemsGBK / KGC
Personnel Records *GBL
Staff ComplaintsGBM
Procedure for Resolving Staff ComplaintsGBM-AR
Sexual HarassmentGBN / JBA
Sexual Harassment Complaint ProcedureGBN / JBA-AR
Federal Law (Title IX) Sexual Harassment Complaint ProcedureGBN / JBA-AR(2)
Hazing / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying / Menacing / Cyberbullying – Staff and Third PartiesGBNA
Hazing / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying / Menacing / Cyberbullying Reporting Procedures – StaffGBNA-AR
Hazing / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying / Menacing / Cyberbullying / Domestic Violence / Teen Dating Violence Complaint Procedures – Staff / StudentsGBNA / JFCF-AR
Reporting Requirements for Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students *GBNAA / JHFF
Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Procedures and Form *GBNAA / JHFF-AR
Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements **GBNAB / JHFE
Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a ChildGBNAB / JHFE-AR
License RequirementsGCA
Personal Communication Devices and Social Media – StaffGCAB
Awarding Contracts / Release from ContractsGCB / GDB
Family Medical Leave *GCBDA / GDBDA
Family Leave *GCBDA / GDBDA-AR
Request for Family Medical LeaveGCBDA / GDBDA-AR(2)
Early Return to WorkGCBDB / GDBDB
Early Return to Work ProceduresGCBDB / GDBDB-AR
Domestic Violence / Harassment / Sexual Assault / Stalking LeaveGCBDC / GDBDC
Request for Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault or Stalking LeaveGCBDC / GDBDC-AR
Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance *GCBDF / GDBDF
Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance (PFMLI)GCBDF / GDBDF-AR
Hiring of StaffGCD / GDD
Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting *GCDA / GDDA
Emergency, Disaster and Inclement Weather ConditionsGCKC / GDKC
Development of Licensed StaffGCL / GDL
Evaluation of StaffGCN / GDN
Resignation of StaffGCPB / GDPB
Copyrights and PatentsGCQBA
Family Medical LeaveGDBDA / GCBDA
Federal Family and Medical Leave / State Family Medical Leave *GDBDA / GCBDA-AR
Request for Family Medical LeaveGDBDA / GCBDA-AR(2)
Eligible Employee Request for Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault or Stalking LeaveGDBDC / GCBDC-AR
Criminal Records Checks / FingerprintingGDDA / GCDA
Criminal Records Checks / FingerprintingGDDA / GCDA-AR
Evaluation of StaffGDN / GCN
Resignation of StaffGDPB / GCPB
Section H – Negotiations
Activities and Interests of Employees / Collective BargainingHB
Section I – Instruction
Instructional GoalsIA
Freedom of ExpressionIB
Annual Service ESD CalendarsIC
Instructional ResearchIFA
Curriculum AdoptionIFD
Religion and SchoolsIGAC
Recognition of Religious Beliefs and CustomsIGAC-AR
Human Sexuality, AIDS/HIV, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Health Education **IGAI
Students with Disabilities – Child Identification ProceduresIGBA
Students with Disabilities – Child Identification Procedures **IGBA-AR
Education Records / Records of Students with Disabilities **IGBAB / JO
Education Records / Records of Students with Disabilities ManagementIGBAB / JO-AR
Special Education – Personnel DevelopmentIGBAC
Special Education – Participation in Regular Education ProgramsIGBAE
Special Education – Participation in Regular Education Programs **IGBAE-AR
Special Education – Individualized Education Program (IEP) **IGBAF
Special Education – Individualized Education Program (IEP) **IGBAF-AR
Special Education – Procedural Safeguards **IGBAG
Special Education – Procedural Safeguards **IGBAG-AR
Special Education – Evaluation Procedures **IGBAH
Special Education – Evaluation and Eligibility Procedures **IGBAH-AR
Special Education – Private SchoolsIGBAI
Special Education – Private SchoolsIGBAI-AR
Special Education – Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) **IGBAJ
Special Education – Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)IGBAJ-AR
Special Education – Public Availability of State ApplicationIGBAK
Special Education – Services for Home-Schooled Students with Disabilities **IGBAL
Special Education – Services for Home-Schooled Students with Disabilities **IGBAL-AR
Talented and Gifted Program and/or Services **IGBB
Complaints Regarding the Talented and Gifted Program and/or Services **IGBB-AR
Talented and Gifted Students – Identification **IGBBA
Appeal Procedure for Talented and Gifted Students Identification and Placement **IGBBA-AR
Program Exemptions **IGBHD
Bilingual Education **IGBI
Instructional Resources / Instructional MaterialsIIA
Instructional Resources / Instructional MaterialsIIA-AR
Use of Feature Films / Videos **IIABB
Use of Feature Films / Videos in the School **IIABB-AR
Electronic Communications SystemIIBGA
Electronic Communications SystemIIBGA-AR
System Security PatchingIIBGB
Academic Achievement **IK
Graduation Requirements **IKF
Graduation RequirementsIKF-AR
Graduation ExercisesIKFB
Credit for ProficiencyIKH
Credit for Proficiency: High School Level CreditIKH-AR
Assessment Program **IL
Program Service Evaluation / Program RenewalIMA
Program Service Evaluation / Program RenewalIMA-AR
Guest SpeakersINC
Animals / Service Animals in ESD FacilitiesING
Service Animals in ESD FacilitiesING-AR
Section J – Students
Equal Educational Opportunity **JB
Sexual HarassmentJBA / GBN
Sexual Harassment Complaint ProcedureJBA / GBN-AR
Federal Law (Title IX) Sexual Harassment Complaint ProcedureJBA / GBN-AR(2)
Educational EquityJBB
Staff / Student / Parent Relations **JECAC
Student Absences and Excuses **JED
Truancy **JEDA
Student Conduct in ESD Vehicles or Private VehiclesJFCC
Student Conduct in ESD Vehicles or Private VehiclesJFCC-AR
Hazing / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying / Menacing / Cyberbullying / Teen Dating Violence / Domestic Violence / – Students **JFCF
Hazing / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying / Menacing / Cyberbullying / Teen Dating Violence / Domestic Violence Reporting Procedures – StudentsJFCF-AR
Hazing / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying / Menacing / Cyberbullying / Domestic Violence / Teen Dating Violence Complaint Procedures – Staff / StudentsJFCF / GBNA-AR
Use of Tobacco Products, Alcohol, Drugs or Inhalant Delivery Systems **JFCG / JFCH / JFCI
Use of Tobacco Products, Alcohol, Drugs or Inhalant Delivery Systems **JFCH / JFCI / JFCG
Use of Tobacco Products, Alcohol, Drugs or Inhalant Delivery Systems **JFCI / JFCG / JFCH
Weapons **JFCJ
Threats of Violence **JFCM
Student Searches **JFG
Student Searches **JFG-AR
Corporal Punishment **JGA
Use of Restraint or Seclusion **JGAB
Use of Restraint or Seclusion **JGAB-AR
Discipline of Disabled Students **JGDA / JGEA
Special Education – Discipline **JGDA / JGEA-AR
Discipline of Disabled Students **JGEA / JGDA
Expulsion **JGE
Immunization **JHCB
Medications **JHCD / JHCDA
Prescription / Nonprescription Medication **JHCD / JHCDA-AR
Medications **JHCDA / JHCD
Prescription / Nonprescription Medication **JHCDA / JHCD-AR
ESD Staff Assigned to Component School DistrictJHFA
Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a ChildJHFE
Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child **JHFE-AR
Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements **JHFE / GBNAB
Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a ChildJHFE / GBNAB-AR
Reporting Requirements for Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students *JHFF / GBNAA
Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Procedures and Form *JHFF / GBNAA-AR
Education Records / Records of Students with Disabilities **JO / IGBAB
Education Records / Records of Students with Disibilities Management **JO / IGBAB-AR
Directory Information **JOA
Personally Identifiable Information **JOB
Legal Names of StudentsJOC
Section K/L – District-Community Relations
ESD—Community Relations Goals and ObjectivesKAA
Public Records Request **KBA
Public Records RequestKBA-AR
News ReleasesKBCA
News Release ProceduresKBCA-AR
Use of ESD FacilitiesKG
Conference Room Use ProceduresKG-AR
Public Conduct on ESD PropertyKGB
Prohibited Use, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery SystemsKGC / GBK
Authorized Use of District Equipment and MaterialsKGF / EDC
Authorized Use of District Equipment and MaterialsKGF / EDC-AR
Gifts, Donations and Volunteer ServicesKH
Donation Process and Request for ApprovalKH-AR
Public Solicitation in ESD FacilitiesKI
Materials DistributionKJA
Materials Distribution ProceduresKJA-AR
Visitors to District FacilitiesKK
Public Complaints **KL
Public Complaint Procedure **KL-AR (1)
Relations with Law Enforcement AgenciesKN
Relations with Law Enforcement AgenciesKN-AR