STEP 1 – Does your student have a current Statement of Eligibility for Special Education or Section 504 Plan from student’s resident public school district?

YES – Proceed to Step 2.

NO – Under OAR 581-021-0029(b) “Child with a disability” means a child between the ages of 6 and 18 whose parent or guardian seeks exemption from compulsory school attendance under ORS 339.030(1)(c) or (1)(d) [enrolled for home school through ESD] and who meets eligibility criteria for a specific disability category [defined under OAR 581-015-2130 through 581-015-2180]. OAR 581-015-2100(1) states “For school-age children, school districts and juvenile and adult corrections education programs are the public agencies responsible for evaluating children and determining their eligibility for special education services.”

You will need contact your student’s resident public school/district and request a meeting to determine if your student has an educational disability.

If your student is found to have an educational disability by the resident public school district, then a Statement of Eligibility for Special Education will be issued. If a student is found to have a disability by the resident public school district, the student may qualify for an IEP, a written, individualized education program, developed for the student by a special education team at the resident public school. A child who does not meets eligibility criteria for a specific disability category but who is disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act will be offered a Section 504 Plan.

STEP 2 – Is your student receiving special education services from the local public school/district?

NO – If you have chosen not to accept district special education services, proceed to Step 3.

YES – When home school assessment is due for students with a current IEP, parents may submit an IEP report in lieu of standardized test scores.

STEP 3 – Is your student on a PDP with a private service provider?

For parents of a child with a disability who have chosen not to accept district special education services, a privately developed plan (PDP) is an option for meeting any specialized instruction needs of their child. Oregon defines a PDP as “an individual plan developed by a team including the parent and one or more private service providers to address the educational needs of a child with a disability.” OAR 581-021-0029(1)(d)

Under Oregon, “A PDP shall include individual educational goals for the student and a statement indicating how satisfactory educational progress will be determined for the student. OAR 581-021-0029(1)(d)

A statement signed by the student’s educational team indicating whether or not the student has made satisfactory progress. “Satisfactory educational progress” means educational progress across academic and/or developmental areas appropriate to the child’s age and abilities. The student need not complete all individualized educational program or privately developed plan goals for the team to determine that the student is making satisfactory educational progress.

The parents have the responsibility to keep all reports (IEP, PDP, and Test Scores) for future academics such as extra curricular activities and/or for when they enroll their student back in public or private school.

If you have questions, please call the LBL ESD Home School staff at 541-812-2711 or email. If parents, education team members or home school community members have Special Education or IEP/PDP questions that cannot be answered by LBL ESD Home School staff, their concerns will be forwarded to appropriate contacts at the Oregon Department of Education.